Bloom BCS Transition Program services adults ages 18-22, as designated by current IEP eligibility. The Transition Program provides postsecondary related curriculum and community involvement, life skills training, and vocational skill development as practiced on site and at a variety of vocational sites in the community. The Transition Program provides individualized treatment based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, with curriculum created by a Special Education Teacher, implemented by the Service Providers (Life Skills Coaches) and overseen by the Education Director. Consultation is provided by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, as well as related services are provided as deemed appropriate per each individual’s IEP. 1:1 and small group learning are the main modalities of instruction. The Transition Program focuses on collaboration amongst students, teamwork, and increased independence as work towards goals re: competitive employment, independent or assisted living, and continued education are met.

The program operates on the public school calendar found below, with an average school week of 32.5 hours/week. An individual is determined eligible as referred by their school district, with postsecondary, vocational and transition goals to be taught and practiced at the Bloom BCS Transition Program’s site.

Admissions criteria for the postsecondary program provided by Bloom BCS include the following:

  • IEP eligible student as previously determined
  • Individual eligible for postsecondary employment, vocational, and life skills programming as determined by district
  • Individual between the ages of 18-22
  • Individual with current Transition Plan and goals and objectives connecting them to employment agencies/state programs as eligible

Students of all genders, race and socioeconomic status are accepted for tuition at Bloom BCS. Bloom BCS does not discriminate based on socioeconomic factors, race, disability, or other standards.